








"Montessori Explained :What you need to know "

This presentation is for parents and professionals. It is an approach to the Montessori philosophy behind the pedagogy. The presentation is followed up by a visit of the school to answer questions concerning the best practices and use of the pedagogical material.

"After Montessori ? Get a head start on the future”

This presentation is destined for parents and professionals who can question alumni of various ages who share their experiences after leaving Montessori and what Montessori brought them. How does Montessori really become an Aid to Life ?The presentation is followed up by a visit of the school to answer questions concerning the best practices and use of the pedagogical material.

"Children's health seen from a Montessori expert's point of view"

Sleep, nutrition, outdoor play and screen use and what we can do at home as parents in order to favor positive child development.

"Multilingualisme in a Montessori School"

What are the avantages of multilingualism for a child ? What do we need to do as adults to help the child on his path of self development ? How to help him obtain everything he needs to adapt to all of the changes he will encounter through out his life because we know that his facility to adapt is necessary and will become of the utmost importance.

"Education for peace"

How to implement it in the classroom? Maria Montessori spoke of science of peace, but what did she mean by that? Many caring people want to educate children for peace, but what can we do in the classroom, throughout a school, to make this a real part of how a school works, and how can we get the children involved?